

Grant for micro, small, and medium enterprises for adaptation to modern business and production challenges

Call of the Government of Hungary to grant the developments related to the technological renewal of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. With co-financing from the European Union, the Government has set the goal of improving competitiveness of domestic SMEs. One of the important conditions is to help businesses adapt to the processes taking place in the economy, to catch up as needed, and to take advantage of the new opportunities that are opening.

This call supports SMEs that are committed to increasing their productivity and open to development and technological renewal.

In the framework of the co-operation, the Government undertakes to:

  • provide projects that meet the conditions of the call with a repayable grant of between HUF 10 million and HUF 629.3 million awarded to the project up to the available resources,
  • provide an advance payment of up to HUF 629.3 million corresponding to a maximum of 100% of the awarded repayable grant to the supported projects that meet the conditions related to the grant advance.

Under the cooperation, applicant organizations undertake to:

  • in addition to the grant received, the project has self-contribution.

Deadline for submission of applications:

March 1-16, 2021
June 15-30, 2021
September 30 – October 15, 2021 *
February 1-15, 2022 *

* At the 3rd-4th submission stage, only micro-enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises that carry out their planned developments under the call in a municipality qualifying as a free enterprise zone may apply for grant.


Who can apply for a grant?

Micro, small, and medium enterprises: which

  • ave at least 1 completed full business year,
  • whose annual average statistical headcount was 3 in the last complete business year closed before the submission of the aid application,
  • which are branches of double-entry companies having their registered office in Hungary, sole proprietors and sole proprietorships keeping double-entry bookkeeping, or branches of double-entry bookkeeping companies having their registered office in the territory of the European Economic Area and a branch in Hungary.
What activities are eligible?

Micro, small, and medium enterprises:

  • Technological development
  • Infrastructure and real estate investment
  • Use of consulting services
  • Use of training services
  • Use of business cloud service
  • Application of renewable energy technologies
  • Preparation of a project
How much can I apply for?

HUF 10 million – HUF 629.3 million

Which is repayable and, under certain conditions, non-refundable.

Does the project need self-contribution?

Yes, to the extent of 30%.

How much pre-payment can be applied?

100%, maximum HUF 629.3 million.

Where can the project be implemented?

Development in Budapest cannot be granted.

What is the time available to implement the project?

24 months

További tájékoztatásért kérjük, hogy vegye fel a kapcsolatot kollégánkkal, aki a hét minden napján egy ingyenes konzultáció keretében naprakész információkkal tud Önnek szolgálni a támogatás igénybevételének menetével és részleteivel kapcsolatban.

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